Saturday, March 7, 2020

Abraham Lincoln Essay Example

Abraham Lincoln Essay Example Abraham Lincoln Essay Abraham Lincoln Essay Abraham Lincoln in the US History Abraham Lincoln, the greatest man in U.S. history, had many great accomplishments for this nation throughout his presidency. The most significant of these accomplishments was the abolishment of slavery.His love for America motivated him to do what he knew to be just.Lincoln had a meaningful, but shortened life, but he still accomplished more things than most other people in their lifetimes.Abraham Lincoln, the greatest man in U.S. history, had a childhood, education, and achievements that are exceptionally commendable. Abraham Lincoln was born on February 12, 1809 in a log cabin in Hardin County, Kentucky. (Donald 22; Neely 347)Abe liked to work outdoors, and was raised to do farm work. (Sandburg 14; Neely 347)When Abe was seven, his family moved to Indiana. (Donald 23)Partly on account of slavery, Abraham recalled, but chiefly on account ofdifficulty in land titles in Kentucky. (Neely 347)His formal education he received in an Indiana Blab School, using only the spelling book. (A ngle 23)He loved to read, especially the Bible, Aesops Fables, and Robinson Crusoe, to name a few. (Angle 23-24)In 1817, his grandparents Tom and Betsey Sparrow died of milk sick.Abes mother also died from this on October 15, 1818. (Sandburg 11) Lincoln reached his full height, 64, before he was 20.Abe was thin, awkward, big-boned, and strong in the arms. (Baritt 313)Abe was interested in politics, and would walk 30 miles to a courthouse to hear lawyers speak and to see how they argued.Abe also heard political speakers and mimicked them.In 1830, he made hisfirst political speech, on improving the Sangamoon River for better navigation. (Sandburg 15, 21) On March 1, 1830, he left for Illinois to the town of New Salem, looking for a career to pursue. (Sandburg 20)In 1831, however, he was still unsure of his career.

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