Sunday, May 24, 2020

Schizophrenia And The Psychosis State - 1189 Words

Schizophrenia is described by abnormalities in an individual’s perception and expression of reality (Comer, 357). This abnormal perception and expression significantly interferes with normal daily living and functioning (Comer, 357). Thus, it is classified as a mental illness. Furthermore, it is a mental illness where the individual loses touch with reality-psychosis (NIHM). Schizophrenia and the psychosis state is characterized by 1) delusions (fixed false beliefs), 2) hallucinations (auditory and, or visual), 3) disorganized speech, 4) or catatonic speech and or behavior, 5) disorganized or catatonic behavior, and 6) negative symptoms (DSM-5; Comer, 360), In DSM-V, two of these five symptoms are required AND at least one symptom must be†¦show more content†¦Cognitive symptoms include: neurocognitive deficits (deficits in working memory and attention and in executive functions), difficulty understanding nuances for, of communication cues and relationships (Tamming M edoff, 340). There are many theories as to what the causes for, of schizophrenia are. Recent research indicates that schizophrenia is due to a genetic predisposition and environmental stressors in early development (during pregnancy and birth, and/or early childhood), leading to indirect changes in the brain (Comer, 370). These environmental stressors don’t dictate and guarantee an individual to form schizophrenia, but rather an increase in susceptibility (Comer, 370). Additional environmental factors and stressors later in life (during childhood, adolescence and young adulthood) can either damage the already vulnerable brain further or decrease the expression for schizophrenia (Comer, 370). Interestingly, increased paternal age is also associated with a greater risk of schizophrenia onset (NIHM). The risk of schizophrenia is increased in biologic relatives whom have schizophrenia (Comer, 371). The risk of schizophrenia in first-degree relatives of persons with schizophrenia is 10% (NIHM). There is a 40% chance of having schizophrenia if both parents have it. (NIHM) â€Å"Concordance for schizophrenia is

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